
"Little Miss Flawless" by Me

One afternoon as I drove home feeling so defeated, I was cut off by a little white car that displayed "Little Miss Flawless" in large letters across her back window. I instantly felt it was so appropriate that I should be driving my BIG BLACK SUV. I wondered if someone had plastered "Miss Flawed" across my back glass!! Many times in my walk, I am discouraged by this ever-present awareness of sin in my life. As I prayed to God about this in my quiet time, He allowed me to see it as a new abundant grace! For those that view themselves as flawless or righteous according to their own understanding, are in as much danger of hell fire as the Pharisees were. Jesus described their condition as, "ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!" (Mark 4:12) (Wow! Don't you love to see exclamation points in scripture?!? I take these as moments that Christ is saying, "I want you to hear this loud and clear!") The grace that I have come to know just in being able to see unrighteousness (however, little the world says it may be)in my life is a God-given grace. And then when God takes scripture and "penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Heb. 4:12) I see my sight into spiritual things as evidence of the love of Christ and His Lordship in my life. Even by grace, is my desire to honor, please and glorify God. "Despair turns quickly to victory when a broken heart is laid on the altar before God." (C.S.Lewis) And that is worship!!!

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