
A Vapor That Leaves A Trail

As I looked into a perfectly cloudless sky, I was captured by the deepest, most perfect shade of blue. I tried to decide the hue it should be called....periwinkle, azure, iris, royal...yet it seemed too perfect to be anyone of these. I suddenly noticed two airplanes in the distance, both seemed to be soaring high but one looked much different than the other. One plane seemed to be gently gliding, leaving no streak or mark as it slowly moved across the sky. The other plane quickly drew my attention and left me agasp!! This plane reflected the light of the Sun and it appeared as though it was glimmering. Though it also seemed to be gliding ever so smoothly, it was climbing upward as though it sliced the sky in two! From behind the jet streamed two fluffy streaks that extended to the edge of the horizon. It seemed to hang frozen in mid-air. I watched this plane until it disappeared to... I’m not sure where. As I looked back to find a glimpse of the first plane, I could neither see where it went or where it had been. Looking into the sky, my mind raced in wonder as to what made one plane leave a trail yet the other never left a mark. I am always looking to compare seemingly simple facts to express my life in Christ, therefore, I came up with the following analogy:

The white clouds left behind an airplane is known as “contrails” or “vapor trails”. Exhaust from the aircraft emits moisture that is frozen and creates ice crystals. The aircraft pushes the air out of the way, disturbing the air, causing it to rotate. The length of time the trail remains visible depends on the humidity level, temperature and wind. If our lives are but a “vapor”, what type of trail will I leave? For scripture says:

“you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life?
It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes
away” (James 4:14).

Breath-taking isn’t it?!? So why then would an airplane leave no “vapor trail” at all? The answer is, because it is gliding along at cruising altitudes! When an aircraft is at cruising altitudes (lower in the altitudes where the temperature is higher, between 38-76 degrees), the wingtip vortices decrease and there is no ice crystal formation. How many times do we as Christians, cruise along, just gliding through life, not causing any disturbance to the environment around us? Truth is, when we are just cruising through life, we most often are not leaving any mark at all on the lives around us. But when we are climbing to greater heights, reflecting the Light of the Son, the wake behind us is deep and wide. It lingers as a sign for all that is left behind. Better yet, it points heavenward!! What kind of trail will I leave......will you leave......and to whom will it point?? My desire is that the trail of this vapor will point to Jesus Christ and that it will reflect the Son!!!

I had to add the following points to connect to this analogy:
1) All different types of aircraft and rockets leave “vapor trails” but even geese have been known to leave these same “vapor trails” (though smaller) as they fly over the Canadian Rockies. So whether you are a rocket ship or something on a smaller scale, you can always leave a trail.
2) If the “vapor trail” behind an aircraft does not undulate or dissipate rapidly, you can be sure it is experiencing a smooth ride. Smaller aircraft, often read these “contrails” to let them know which altitudes are choppy and help them decide whether to climb or descend. We sometimes serve as examples to those who are watching the paths we take.
3) Sometimes “vapor trails” make aircraft easily visible for attack. An aircraft that may not be visible on radar can often be seen by the trails it leaves behind. Be ever ready and aware that we are a target for the enemy, especially when our lives are leaving a legacy to the glory of Christ!

So fly high, fly strong, leave a trail, reflect the Son!

Hmmm......I wonder why the flight of birds seem so different....... :)

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