
Building Up of The Church

In the book "Does Grace Grow Best In Winter", it states, "Our suffering aids the maturity of the whole body of believers". This sheds a much different light on our struggles in this life. Do we love the church enough to suffer in a way to "work maturity in the whole church"? I pray that in my suffering, that I would magnify Christ in such a way that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope not only in me through the Holy Spirit but also in the rest of the body. "This is to say, God ordains, by the Spirit and by faith, for our suffering to bring about in the church the purposes of Christian affliction. These purposes are: Christ in us, the hope of glory, and every one of us being made mature in Jesus Christ". If I fail to magnify Christ in my suffering, I not only fail Christ, but I fail the entire body. Lord, may I walk in a way that is pleasing in your sight.

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