
His Sheep Follow

Today just before noon, a time when you would least expect death to come for anyone, I was at the bedside of one who took her last breaths. I looked into her sweet peaceful face as she passed from this world into the next. Almost in a trance to imagine what that must be like. I raised my eyes to notice a canvas above her bed that displayed Jesus, the shepherd with his staff, encircled by a flock of sheep. The flock was all around Him, all except one that stood upon a high ledge in which he reached out to touch His face. I have long been captured by sheep and there symbolism related to Christ. I think on Christ's love, concern and protection of His sheep. I am in awe of the sheep's utter dependence on the Shepherd and their drawing to His voice.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." John 10:27

All the things about this Shepherd-Sheep relationship stir deep emotion in me. Yet all the things I had previously thought about related to life with the Shepherd and how He guided them along the way. But in this moment, my heart was moved to think on death with the Shepherd, and I guess in much the same way how He must also guide them in death. I must believe that as the Shepherd guides us through the valley....leading, guiding and protecting, as well as on the high and rocky places.....leading us to sure footing and rescuing us from pitfalls, that surely as the journey comes to an end that He also leads us home. As the Shepherd leads the Sheep through winter, there comes that time when the journey complete, we are ushered into pastures where we look upon PROVISION in ABUNDANCE, where the snow has melted and life springs forth and overflows. As the lamb closes his eyes to take in the breath of life, basking in the warmth of the Sun.....the Shepherd looks on in purest love.......rejoiced to bring him home! Looking into the face of this sweet lamb, I could see she was finally home.

"Where, O Death is your victory? Where, O Death is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:55

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