
A New Beginning

Welcome to my new blog site! This experience will be as new and surprising for the one reading it, as the one writing it. In starting this blog, I do not claim to be an expert or highly learned in any area. But what I do hope to provide is a candid and honest view of the things I see and experience in my Christian walk. I will share my view on books read, puzzling questions that arise as I am studying and growing in the Word, struggles and conflicts that plague us all, amateur writing and poetry, scriptures passages, quotes, etc. etc. etc. I hope as I walk this path by faith and strength of the Spirit, that my life will only bring glory to Our Lord Jesus Christ who makes each moment possible. May my purpose be The Gospel and nothing less. Therefore, with difficulty, trials, confusion and pain when I am tossed Head Over Heels In The Faith, may I arise with my feet on the Rock of My Salvation. I love you all my friends!

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